Sunday, February 5, 2023

Jockey Pump Pressure: What to do if a Fire Sprinklers System is Leaking

jockey pump pressure

Experiencing low water pressure due to leaks in your pressure sensing line in fire pumps? These details will help you diagnose and fix the issue before it gets worse.

Whether it’s a sprinkler or pressure sensing line in fire pumps, if your fire protection system is leaking, make sure there is no active fire triggering the system to discharge. Once you know that there is no fire hazard in your facility, get in touch with a professional to diagnose the leak as soon as possible. Here are some basic details that will help you get an idea of the problem.

Why Do Pump Leaks Occur?

There are fire sprinkler systems and pumps that are often prone to corrosion, damage, and freezing temperatures. Take corrosion for instance - it can cause rust and create holes in piping or sprinkler heads. This may occur in both dry as well as wet pipes. The main cause of corrosion is exposure to oxygen. It may also be due to microbiologically influenced corrosion, which is an aggressive type of corrosion caused by bacteria.

Problems like freezing pipes are common in wet pipes. They are less common in dry pipes as they do not hold a constant water supply. Another reason why leaks occur is damaged sprinklers. This may happen because of forklifts, ladders, equipment, etc. Equipment failure is another common problem in sprinkler systems that can occur due to manufacturing or installation errors.

Routine wear and tear is also common in pipes if not regularly maintained. Other common malfunctions that can cause fire sprinkler systems to leak involve O-ring seals and water contaminants.

What to Do if You See a Leak

As soon as you discover a leak in your sprinkler or pressure sensing line in fire pumps, figure out why it is leaking and whether it’s important to evacuate the building. This is because water can cause electrical components to short-circuit or ignite, resulting in a fire in your facility. If you see a large amount of water pouring out of your system, turn off the main water supply to avoid water damage. Even if it is only dripping water, it’s best to check your pressure gauges against manufacturer recommendations to know whether there may be other leaks in the piping circuit.

Once you have investigated the source of the leak, call a fire suppression professional. Share the details about the leak and be ready to make essential repairs. If the leak is due to corroded or burst pipes, you will need to replace either a portion or all of the piping system. If the leak is due to external physical damage, the affected component should be repaired/replaced.

How to Prevent Future Leaks

One of the easiest ways to prevent future leaks in your fire pump and sprinkler system is to hire a fire protection professional that you can trust. He or she will work with you to ensure your sprinkler system is regularly maintained according to the NFPA 25, carrying out inspections and tests. Proper maintenance and jockey pump selection will also help you prevent any future leaks from occurring. In addition to that, consider installing high-quality fire pumps and jockey pump capacity.

To learn more about fire pump and jockey pump pressure, reach out to us today!

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